Wednesday, 3 January 2007

My First Post...

I am always wondering what we choose to write in our first posts. I suppose its an introduction, explanation of what will be explained or commented on. Now seeing as this is my first post I should give as much detail as possible and keep to the point. I am now 13+6 weeks pregnant. I am having morning sickness on occasions, it seems to come and go when it feels. I've had dizzy spells, I've lost my appetite and everything I wear is starting to become tight.

On the plus side, I'm looking forward to my first and only scan on the 23rd Jan 07. I think its when it will really sink in that it really is happening. I've told all my close family. My dad's side are over the moon, my mum on the other hand hasn't really said much. Not really sure why. Nick's parents keep saying not to get excited or it could all go wrong every five minutes and everytime I'm sick they assume the worst but I can't think like that. I got further than I expected so now I take each day as it comes.

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